Regulatory / Mandatory Signs

Regulatory signs, also known as mandatory signs, are a category of road signs that convey […]



Regulatory signs, also known as mandatory signs, are a category of road signs that convey specific instructions or regulations that drivers must comply with. These signs are typically circular in shape and feature a white symbol or text on a blue background.

Examples of regulatory signs include:

  1. Speed Limit Signs: These signs indicate the maximum or minimum speed allowed on a particular stretch of road. They help maintain safe driving speeds and promote consistency in traffic flow.
  2. No Entry Signs: These signs indicate that entry into a specific road or area is prohibited. They are often placed at one-way streets, restricted zones, or private property entrances to control access.
  3. Stop Signs: Stop signs require drivers to come to a complete stop before proceeding further. They are typically placed at intersections where cross traffic has the right-of-way.

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60cms circular, 90cms circular

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